Starting Your Modern Farm

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It is possible that you dreamed of having your own farm, but you don’t know where to start from. Besides, you may be asking yourself about requirements for running a successful farm. If the answer is yes, here you got the right choice for understanding not only what is essential for possessing a farm, but also what is necessary for having a modern and successful one.

Having a farm is something of high prestige, and nobody dislikes owning what is better in life. Therefore, becoming a modern farmer can be a great thing. During George Washington retirement on his own farm after leading the American Revolution, he wrote, “I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.” (Pritchard & Polishuk, 2018). This is one example showing how even most famous people around the world value farming. So, having your own farm can be a great thing in life.

Starting your own farm generally requires a hybrid of various elements including self-help wisdom, agricultural knowledge, and business skills. Referring to the biological science in which for getting a more resilient and stronger offspring, there is a need to cross genetically different progenitors, and this is known as the fundamental principle in biology. For the case of farming, there is also a necessity for crossing cultural, economic and ecological concepts for cultivating something which is stronger than such single components. It is important to note that in agriculture, there is a blending of components of seasonality, human management and soil biology into an ecological and sometimes economic harmony (Pritchard & Polishuk, 2018). These are some of crucial things to be taken into account before starting to farm. Looking carefully, you can notice that managerial skills and understanding agricultural concepts are fundamental for running farm operations.

Regarding what is needed for farming and how to farm, it is clear that after getting the knowledge about all methods and means for farming, the artistic component is still needed. Such component is always essential. Besides, there are key elements like individual circumstances, all the heart you can convene, and personal abilities (Pritchard & Polishuk, 2018). Everything will start from you, decisions you will make, and what you want to achieve and how you prefer to reach your goals among others. Because, any of farm activities will generate a profit depending on how you invested in them and what you spent on them. The overall farm profit will undoubtedly result from the interaction of various driving forces of all farm activities.

It was mentioned that the weather is the main factor affecting the profitability of a farm for a given year. Over a long period, the total amount of rainfall is likely to be the same.  But the consistent farm profit across the time does not result from the weather influence or by luck. Instead, the farm management influences the farm profit across the time. The management comprises the quantity and choice of inputs, debt level, and enterprise choice among others (Ibendahl, 2013).

Starting your own farm will put in place the foundations possessed by good farmers including calm analytical way of thinking, resilient ability for solving problems, commitment for making a farm profit, and confident as well as competent prioritization (Pritchard & Polishuk, 2018).

It is clear that to start your own farm, you need to be equipped with basic skills and knowledge which are a prerequisite for ensuring that your farm can be successful. Such knowledge and skills as well as personal capacities are important for starting and managing a modern farm so that you can succeed. Starting your modern farm can be something for helping you feed yourself, people around you, and for having another source of income.


Ibendahl, G. (2013). Are the more profitable farms consistently the most profitable. 19th International Farm Management Congress, SGGW. 1, pp. 1-8. Warsaw, Poland: Retrieved July 15, 2020, from

Pritchard, F., & Polishuk, E. (2018). Start Your Farm : The Authoritative Guide to Becoming a Sustainable 21st Century Farmer. New York: The experiment, LLC. Retrieved July 11, 2020



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