Learning the Land Language and Speaking with the Soil

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For understanding how land communicates and for being able to speak with the soil, there are six things to be known adequately. By the end of the following video, you will explore information necessary for allowing the soil speak to you.


First of all, soil is the principal medium for the growth of plant: Every day, we need to eat and drink. With no soil, we may fail to feed ourselves. Because most drinks and foods are made from plant. Besides, there are other products fundamental for living which are made using plant produce.

Secondly, water supplies are regulated by the soil: Remember that when soil erosion and landslides take place. Rivers and streams are affected, and water supply systems may collapse easily. With high sediment load in streams and rivers, water treatment becomes very expensive too. It’s also important to note that soils filtrate water before reaching wells and other water bodies.

Thirdly, the atmosphere is modified by soils: You know when soil is polluted by biodegradable organic materials, especially inadequately managed organic wastes, some toxic gases are released to the air. In addition, when soils are unable to support adequate growth of plants, no sufficient production of oxygen can be achieved through photosynthesis, a process which allows carbon dioxide absorption and oxygen release by green plants.

Fourth, waste products and raw materials are recycled by soils: Soils are able to favor transformation of biodegradable materials into other substances which may be useful for the living being.

Fifth, several types of organisms are offered habitat by soils: You know, the soil accommodates many kinds of organisms, especially microorganisms which greatly contribute in decomposition of organic materials as well as in the recycling of different nutrient elements essential for life.

And, the sixth is that, for structures made by the human being, their engineering medium is the soil: It’s seen almost everywhere that various structures like very useful infrastructures for society development, are built on soils, which serve as the engineering medium.

From this, you may be still asking yourself the land language mentioned in the beginning. It’s simply the way you need to interact with the land resources adequately so that you can get what you want from the land. This can be undoubtedly achieved by sound management of soils so that we can maximize the benefit from them. Moreover, we have to think wisely and ensure that benefiting from the soil also strengthens its ability for serving our children and grand-children in the future. That’s essential for allowing soils speak to us.



Brady, N. C., & Ray, W. R. (2008). The nature and properties of soils (14 b.). Upper saddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America: Pearson Education.

Brady, N. C., & Ray, W. R. (2017). The nature and properties of soils (15 ed.). Harlow, England; London; New York; Boston; San Francisco; Toronto; Sydney; Dubai; Singapore; Hong Kong; Tokyo; Seoul; Taipei New Delhi; Cape Town; Sao Paulo; Mexico City; Madrid; Amsterdam; Munich; Paris & Milan, United States of America & United Kingdom: Pearson Education


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